Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You Can Still be a Christian Even If...

Contrary to what some say, you can still be a Christian and realize that what has been written as scripture were interpretations of divine will by fallible human beings, and sometimes editors down through the centuries changed things. You can still be a Christian and accept some ideas and reject others presented in the Bible. You can still be a Christian and NOT believe that people of other moral religions are damned. You can still be a Christian and NOT believe that people who belong to other Christian sects are damned. You can still be a Christian and know that atheists and agnostics who live morally responsible lives will go to heaven without needing a specific belief in God. You can still be a Christian and believe in and appreciate the latest discoveries of natural science. You can still be a Christian and not be held accountable for the violence that false Christians have committed (and still commit) in the Name of God, so long as you reject the violence that they do or have done. You can still be a Christian and have friends who are not. You can still be a Christian and marry a person of another faith or who has no religion at all. You can still be a Christian and read secular literature, listen to or perform secular music, see secular movies, play secular games, create or enjoy secular art, write secular fiction, be devoted to secular concerns, and lead a secular professional life. You can still be a Christian and enjoy sex as a form of wholesome pleasure and affection between two consenting adults, even without having any reproductive motives. You can still be a Christian and use birth control. You can still be a Christian and treat women as moral, social, political, economic, legal and professional equals. You can still be a Christian and believe that homosexuality between two consenting adults is not a sin. You can still be a Christian and believe in the right of homosexual couples to have sanctified marriages. The reason you can still be a Christian under all these conditions is because Christianity is really about L-O-V-E.

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